OR FAX FORM ON PAGE 88 TO 503-242-1814
LAST ASKING: First Time Offered
SIZE: 192± Acres
ELEVATION: 600± to 1,000± Feet
ZONING: TC (Timber Conservation)
FINANCING: None – All Cash
DESCRIPTION: This 192± acre timber and
recreation tract is located 12 miles southwest
of Dallas, Oregon, in the foothills of Oregon’s
coastal range, and is within a 40-minute drive of Salem. The Teal Creek Timber and Recreation Tract
was originally part of the Camp Kilowan ownership which is now operated and owned by the LDS
Church as a summer and year-round family camp.
The auction property contains one of the original cabins which could be re-used by a new owner, and
a home that is in poor condition. Power and water are available to serve the cabin and other home site.
The property is a Douglas-fir site Class I and is well-stocked with primarily 9- to 18-year-old Douglas-
fir reproduction on 117± acres, and with 71 acres to be harvest-ready within the next 20 years. There is
an estimated 483± MBF of 35- to 75-year-old Douglas-fir which may provide near-term harvest income.
29± acres near the cabin were recently harvested and replanted with Douglas-fir.
It is projected that within twenty years, a total of 3,673± MBF will be available to harvest from the 71±
acres of 18± year-old reprod. Please see Supplemental Information Package for growth projections.
Teal Creek Timber and Recreation Tract next to Camp Kilowan, near
Salem, Polk County, Oregon
Falls City
Camp Kilowan
Teal Creek Rd.
Teal Creek
Teal Creek
To Salem